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Saturday, 17 March 2012

Get Paid To Surf And Help The Environment At The Same Time

I like many other surfers living in various parts of the world have had the dream to get paid to surf, here is how I did it. I now only work from home in the hours that I set and revolve around surfing and the other leisure activities that I enjoy, like yoga and working with environmental groups to help save the oceans and the planet. I did this simply by following the groundwork that was laid out for me by the experts and simply did what they did and it works. So now I surf on a regular basis and help the environment and people at the same time. Every surfers dream being able to do what they enjoy while giving back getting and giving good karma.

So here is how I did it. Accomplished what most surfers only dream about, having money come in even while I am in the water. I followed a detailed step by step system to get in touch with people. The goal of the whole concept is to be able to connect with and share the gift of working from home saving the environment and helping others who want out of there physical and financial problems with lots of people. People are wonderful creatures a least the ones who take action and live there life on there own terms. People who start a business in there spare time to be able to stay home with there kids. There are allot of people who are sick of the corporate world and want a way to contribute to others while earning money.

Billionaire's who's main purpose in buying and building a company to a 5 billion dollar company is to solve malnutrition and global warming. People can do many wonderful things if they have the proper nutrition and a way to make money and contribute. The key to what I accomplished is the ability to connect with people and give them what they want. Most people today want more money more free time and a way of doing business that gives them a sense of pride. A way to give back to people and the environment at the same time.

This is what I did.

But here is how I did it. As I said earlier I found a way to connect with people lots of people. I found a way to talk to and be in direct contact with people who are looking for what I can offer them. And all of this step by step system can be found in the resource box. It explains exactly what I did to help other people and live the surfers dream.

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